Meet the guy named Zwia. He’s a colossal geek. He’s got lots of action figures. He loves movies. He reviews them for you.
Not the biggest Thor fan? This movie may change your mind.
Does Valerian add up to more than the sum of its eyebrows?
That’s the Spidey we were looking for
How Wonder Woman stands tall where the rest of the DCEU has fallen short
Zwia returns from his hiatus with a Strange review
Now you don’t. Or rather, now you shouldn’t.
Should they have stayed in the shadows?
Things get not-so-civil!
Zwia Reviews
Movies, articles, Comics
Alex Zwiazek
Zwia Reviews
Movies, articles, Comics
Alex Zwiazek
Zwia Reviews
Movies, articles, Comics
Alex Zwiazek
Zwia Reviews
Movies, articles, Comics
Alex Zwiazek
It kinda works… kinda
Zwia Reviews
Movies, articles, Comics
Alex Zwiazek
Zwia Reviews
Movies, articles, Comics
Alex Zwiazek