WILW: Money in the Bank Predictions

Money in the Bank is upon us again and with it being Father’s Day weekend, and me being a father, this one will be short. Quick predicts, in and out, just like well… Father’s Day. (see what I did there? do you? good)
Apollo Crews vs Sheamus – So this match should be a coming out party of sorts for Crews. I fully expect him to get the win here to establish him as a main roster guy. He needs it and Sheamus loses nothing by taking the L.
Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin – Corbin will take this match. At this point, Ziggler is nothing more than enhancement talent. He will put on a good match and make his opponent look good. He is never getting back in the title picture. Corbin will come out of this looking like a monster.
Rusev vs Titus O’Neil – Rusev crush. Book it.
Dana Brooke and Charlotte vs Natalya and Becky Lynch – No idea to be honest. It would make sense for Charlotte to take the loss here but not actually get pinned. She is a heel, after all. It really depends on where the WWE wants to go with Dana. I’m going to shot in the dark call Natalya and Becky.
Fatal Four Way – Four teams for the belts. I’m betting the storyline coming out of this is the Vaudevillains and Enzo/Cass continuing their feud and The Club taking the belts from the New Day. The Club needs to start putting together some wins and dominating if they are going to be taken seriously and New Day won’t lose any steam. Should be a fun match.
Money in the Bank ladder match – Whoever wins gets a guaranteed title shot at any time they want over the next year. Sami isn’t there yet, Jericho doesn’t need it, Cesaro won’t get it even though he should, Del Rio is a wrestler, and Owens shouldn’t have it yet. So Ambrose, and he will cash in later in the night.
John Cena vs AJ Styles – Same thing applies here as above. The Club needs the win. AJ is coming off of three straight PPV losses and Cena is just coming back. This is really a dream match and I wish they would have let it build a bit more. I don’t expect it to be their last though. AJ wins.
Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins – Rollins is back to save us except WWE still, for some reason, wants him to be a heel. Reigns needs to drop the belt and go on a madman rampage in order to rebuild his character. Rollins will take the belt and Ambrose will cash in because he’s a lunatic maggle. (yay internet jokes) That’s what I want anyway leading to a triple threat at Summer Slam. Reigns will probably win though.
So there you have it. Quick and dirty. See you in seven…