Mutant Musings Episode 10: Don’t Storm on My Pyro and Tell Me it’s Raining
Patti and Jonathan discuss the three new titles from April, controversy surrounding one of them, and the very real threat that horses pose. Patti learns something about different genres of music and Jonathan realizes why it’s called Central Park. What do they think of Rachel’s new fashion statement and face tattoos? How many Wolverines does it take to screw up continuity? Find out on this month’s episode of Mutant Musings!
Show Notes
- X-Men: Gold #1
- X-Men: Gold #2
- Weapon X #1
- Weapon X #2
- X-Men: Blue #1
- X-Men: Blue #2
- Stan Lee TV cameo?
- Cable cast in Deadpool 2
- 3 new movies in 2018
- Ardian Syaf controversy
- X-Men: Gold edited artwork
- Trading card variants
- RessurXion panel at C2E2