31 Years in 31 Days: Horror Flicks from 2002
Soooo….. yeah. Not much better in 2002. I mean, there is that opening scene of Ghost Ship which, the rest of the movie aside, is insane. A cable line breaks on a cruise ship filled with people, and slaughters the passengers in gruesome, horrific, and sometimes hysterical ways. It’s bananas. And is worth watching the rest of the movie for. There is also Resident Evil, which, while not very good, is a video game movie that isn’t awful. It is watchable with a few moments that are pretty cool. And Mila Jovovich is pretty great. And Queen of the Damned which is, lol just kidding. That movie sucks about as bad as movies can suck.
There were two movies worth talking about though. One of those films is based on a real life experience of director Eli Roth’s. While vacationing in Iceland, Roth got a skin infection. So he wrote a movie about a flesh eating virus called Cabin in the Woods. And it’s awesome. The cast is lead by Rider Strong who does an incredible job in this flick. The story goes that a group of college kids rent a cabin in the woods and one of those kids accidentally shoots a hermit who just so happens to have said flesh eating virus. The kid, as you can imagine, does not tell his friends that he accidentally shot someone. The hermit shows back up and shit comes off the rails. The movie is brilliantly shot and acted. It’s brutal and heartbreaking and really, really well done. Definitely worth a watch.
The other flick that came out in 2002 that deserves a ton of kudos is 28 Days Later. Shot by Danny Boyle, this film is not your typical take on zombies. The zombies in the film aren’t the undead rather they are infected by a highly contagious virus that is basically rage. What follows is the complete an utter breakdown of society in the face of an unstoppable force. Without giving too much away, the film challenges you as you watch. There are things in this film that will make you reconsider the type of person you are. Some of the characters do reprehensible things but have good reasons. Others, (looking at you Eccleston), want to do reprehensible things but are opposed because some things will always be a bridge too far. Everything about this film is as well done as it could be. I urge you to watch this movie when you have the time to really think about what you have watched. It’s deep in the best way a zombie movie can be.