31 Years in 31 Days: Horror Flicks from 2012
2012 had some really solid flicks come out. Nothing that released was the greatest thing of all time (though the one down below is pretty close) but a whole ton were very, very good. One of those very, very good movies was The Woman in Black starring Harry Potter. And make no mistake, seeing Daniel Radcliffe not be Harry Potter was very weird. But this movie does such a good job of being a creepy, old school ghost flick that he eventually becomes just an actor playing a role. (very well I might add) This flick was co-produced by Hammer which, if you don’t know, was big deal as Hammer was one of the top horror movie makers back in the day and this movie brought their name back. The basic plot is that Radcliffe in his role of a lawyer needs to go to a house to find documents pertaining to a certain deceased person. Because of previous events in his own timeline, this is not the best idea. The ghost story plays out from there and is wonderfully done. The atmosphere is incredible in this flick. The acting is top-notch and the overall direction is simple and pure. This is a great flick and worth a watch.
There are quite a few other movies worth talking about in 2012, so much so that I only want to focus on one more. That said you should absolute see Cockneys vs Zombies, V/H/S, Sinister, The Lords of Salem, Chernobyl Diaries, and Dark Shadows. After you’ve checked out all of those though, you simply must watch, or hopefully watch again, Cabin in the Woods. Cabin in the Woods comes to us from Drew Goddard, he of Buffy and Alias and Daredevil and lots of other stuff you love. Now, the problem with this movie is that there is almost no way to talk about it without spoiling it and the twist is so, so good. That said, the actors in this flick all deliver amazing performances, especially Thor. It’s funny, bloody, gory, sad, tragic, funny, thought-provoking, and everything you could possibly want in a movie. It is beautifully shot, edited, and scored. The script is one of the best of recent memory. The character design is simply beautiful. I cannot stress how great this movie is. It does something with the horror genre that I didn’t think was possible so many years into its history, it does something never done before. Please ma’am, please sir, watch this movie now!