Mutant Musings Episode 29: Who Watches the Watcher?
Jonathan and Patti discuss Cable lying with his mouth, the Cuckoos lying with their mind, and Multiple Man telling the truth with fart noises. Patti may or may not have a degree in anatomy, but Jonathan can definitely do a Robert De Niro impression. How lame are Canadian supervillains? How is Frank Zappa related to mutants? Find out on this episode of Mutant Musings!
Show Notes
- Cable #159
- X-23 #2
- Multiple Man #2
- X-Men: Grand Design – Second Genesis #1
- Mr. and Mrs. X #1
- Shatterstar miniseries in October
- What If? X-Men books
- Old Man Logan is ending
- X-Men Black details
- Uncanny X-Men will return this fall
- The Gifted season 2 trailer