Mutant Musings Episode 48: What Should it Taste Like?

Patti and Jonathan discuss cinnabons, bad haircuts, and a glaring problem with Champions. Patti tells us how much she hates trailers as Jonathan tells us how much he hates Minecraft. However, the two have some serious opinions regarding the events of Uncanny X-Men #17, and then give a much happier spotlight to Wolfsbane later in the episode. How much happier?! Find out on this episode of Mutant Musings!

Show Notes

Mutant Memories: Wolfsbane


Social Stuff


Jonathan Robert

Jonathan loves comic books and he loves coffee. Jonathan’s mother gave him his first taste of coffee at the tender age of 3 and it was love at first sip. He now needs to wheel around an IV drip of caffeine at all times or else he turns into a dark, monstrous creature that feeds on despair and makes babies cry. The local village-folk have kept him locked away ever since the “decaf catastrophe of ‘06.” When allowed out of his dungeon, he writes various articles for Geekade, including the monthly column, “Welcome to the D-List,” and records the "Mutant Musings" podcast with his geek-tastic girlfriend, Patti.

6 thoughts on “Mutant Musings Episode 48: What Should it Taste Like?

  • May 15, 2019 at 11:19 am

    I think you both bring up a lot of interesting points about UXM #17. When examining the issue, however, I do think you have to take into account about WHY Rosenberg wrote that scene, which was to shed light on a serious issue. It’s definitely a shocking moment and has its problems, among them being that it doesn’t make a lot of sense: like you both said, “retired” or not, Rahne has far too much combat training to go down like that, and she wouldn’t have apologized. But I understand what Rosenberg was trying to say, which was essentially, “This incident is a horrible thing that happens in our society and we need to shed light on it.”

    One of the things you both mentioned was how you felt that an abled person shouldn’t write a disabled person, and I’m not sure I agree with that. If we followed that notion, then DC Comics’ Oracle would have never existed, as she was largely written by abled writers, and the same applies for Charles Xavier and Niles Caulder. I completely agree that an abled writer should do their research when writing about a disabled person, but to say they can’t write about an experience outside their own is flawed, in my view. If every writer did that, then they’d essentially be writing autobiographies, instead of fiction.

    • May 16, 2019 at 6:49 am

      Thanks for listening! I agree with your point about wanting to shed light on the issue, and it is a very important issue, but I think that he did that while trying to downplay her history, and also wrote Rahne making the decision very suddenly. She’s been willing and able to fight for years, but with no more buildup than wanting to leave in the previous issue, suddenly she doesn’t fight, and she’s dead. I love the X-Men because of how much they can reflect social issues, and feel strongly about this one in particular, but this one still doesn’t sit quite right and happened too quickly. But at the same time, I won’t try to convince anyone to dislike it, and still welcome different perspectives! And what we meant about a disabled person’s story was writing specifically about that person’s daily struggles or triumphs, not a larger story simply involving disabled people, or one in the action of a superhero book. Sorry if that wasn’t clear! Otherwise we’d never be able to have diverse teams or team-ups that way! Anyway, thanks again for listening, and the thoughtful comment!

  • May 16, 2019 at 12:31 pm

    Not a problem, and thanks for your thoughtful reply, too! Sorry for the repeated attempts at posting, I wasn’t sure if the site does comment moderation or if my comment just wasn’t getting through.

  • May 18, 2019 at 1:56 am

    hey this is rickie (Rwoodson on twitter) we’ve talked a few times 🙂 love the show!

    i disagree with that. you got to read those old school x-men comics when blob first appeared. super sympathetic. he was bullied and attacked cause of his size. he had to be part of a freak show where people would look and point at him and throw things at him just cause he was super fat. #blobisjustalostsoul. as for there being no trans characters: there are so many. fany from the invisibles, the lead character of the comic alters (chalice); porcelin from the secret six; su from red hood; etc etc. you just got to look outside of marvel for them………..#alltea&allshade

    • May 18, 2019 at 7:14 am

      Hey Rickie! Thanks for listening! You make a valid point about the Blob, but I think he quickly grew into an unsympathetic character. And thanks for the tip regarding trans characters! We both read a few books outside of Marvel, but we’re suckers for superheroes, especially the X-Men. But I’m very happy to hear that there’s trans representation elsewhere in comics and may have to check out your suggestions. Also, I 100% agree with your point about trailers lol but Patti just REALLY doesn’t want anything spoiled haha. She managed to make it to Captain Marvel knowing nothing about the movie and only recently heard who the villain is in Spider-Man FFH!

  • May 18, 2019 at 2:08 am

    well if its a character, musical, book etc that you are familiar with and will watch an adaptation of anyways i understand why you dont need the trailer for yourself personally (for me i will watch anything x-men, wonder woman, and certain fairy tales like aladdin so dont need a trailer) BUT we have to think in general: everyone isnt us. they dont know these movies are out until there is a trailer cause they arent researching movie news (just look at the comments on the maleficent 2 trailer. its full of “why are they making a sequel” “i had no idea this was getting a sequel”) so if people arent up to date on news or they didnt read the original material or its an original film, we need the trailer. 9/10 if its a marvel movie im not going to watch so i need a good 3 trailers especially since they like to trick folks with the first trailers making it all serious (case in point captain marvel) then BAM third trialer = marvel “humor”. thanks to trailers i havent watch their movies since civil war and that is TORTUREOUS!


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