Mutant Musings Episode 60: Story Suppositories

Patti and Jonathan discuss big number 2s, story suppositories, and Psylocke butt shots. Jonathan clearly doesn’t know how art works as Patti clearly doesn’t know how skin works. How are we going to get Pyro’s face tattoo off? Why is there a Juggalo crying at comedy? Find out on this episode of Mutant Musings…where Jonathan rants a whole lot!

Show Notes

Mutant Memories:

Social Stuff

Jonathan Robert

Jonathan loves comic books and he loves coffee. Jonathan’s mother gave him his first taste of coffee at the tender age of 3 and it was love at first sip. He now needs to wheel around an IV drip of caffeine at all times or else he turns into a dark, monstrous creature that feeds on despair and makes babies cry. The local village-folk have kept him locked away ever since the “decaf catastrophe of ‘06.” When allowed out of his dungeon, he writes various articles for Geekade, including the monthly column, “Welcome to the D-List,” and records the "Mutant Musings" podcast with his geek-tastic girlfriend, Patti.

4 thoughts on “Mutant Musings Episode 60: Story Suppositories

  • December 5, 2019 at 6:14 pm

    i always thought/assumed you guys knew japanese. im self taught myself. started when i was like 15/16 cause of utada hikaru and dropped off after 2012. mostly cause korean is easier lol learned to read and write korean in two months, its that easy. and i was working full time back then, just studied on my breaks and i would take song lyrics and practice writing them and just after all that repetition it just clicked and i no longer needed to look up what the english equivalent to each character/hanja. forget the sannin we are san-xmen lol or sangeeks? im cool with either

    • December 5, 2019 at 8:16 pm

      Korean is another language I’d like to learn, but I’m honestly disappointed I’ve let Japanese go. I got too busy and need to keep up with my hobbies with the little time left in the day. *sad face*

  • December 5, 2019 at 6:21 pm

    i think what kwannon meant was this (and i could be making this deeper than what it is but it sounded epic to me): the feeling of joy or being joyous doesnt work for everyone. some people like being miserable. and im not talking about folks like me who suffer from depression there are people (like my ex) who thrive on drama, or negativity for whatever reason. from my experience its cause they dont want to get out and try and risk failing so the only excitement in their life is their drama. “oh my boyfriend sucks. he is such a loser. all he does is play video games and smoke weed. he doesnt work i pay all the bills. we’ve been together five years, not married no kids”…….uhm, just break up with him lol but nope they stay and just complain, we all know at least one person like that lol. then there are people like me and kwannon who are content with just being at peace with ourselves. not angry, sad or happy, we just are. whats that saying, the opposite of love isnt hate its apathy? thats how i took it but maybe the writer just thought it sounded cool and put no deep taught into it at all lol

    • December 5, 2019 at 8:19 pm

      Haha I think what you came up with was much deeper than what the writer did! Or at least you did a better job conveying it. I think Hill has some great ideas and he may just have some great meaning behind it, but to me he’s not getting it across in the dialogue. Even if what he meant was exactly as you said, there’s just some legitimately bad dialogue in this issue in particular, in my opinion. I really wanna like Fallen Angels but it’s a struggle.


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