What’s in a Name?

A pretty silly name, or is it?

Ever since the title of the prequel-spinoff of The Walking Dead was announced, the reaction to it has been pretty universal. It’s too long and unwieldy. Who the hell is gonna say all that? It’s dumb, why did they call it that? And trust me, I was right there with all the title naysayers until tonight. After watching the third episode, “Dog,” I turned to my husband and said “This show is scarier than the other one.” It began to dawn on me why the clunky title is so apt and why the show couldn’t be called anything else.

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Geekade Top Ten: Muppets

It’s time to light the lights

From Fraggles to frogs, The Muppets have seen a big resurgence following the smashing success of the 2011 movie starring Jason Segel and Amy Adams. Last year’s Muppets Most Wanted with Ricky Gervais and Tina Fey did admirably as well. Sesame Street was picked up by HBO in a deal that has the potential to get the seminal children’s series a broader audience and higher production values than ever before, and Fraggle Rock’s addition to Hulu has resulted in some big exposure and a brand new audience, leading to a new series based around the Doozers and a new movie supposedly in the works from Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

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Time and Relative Dimension in Spoilers 000

A weekly recap of Doctor Who

Whovians have all been wishing for a T.A.R.D.I.S. of their own to whisk them from last Christmas to next Saturday. And for those of us not as lucky as Clara and the Doctor, the wait is almost over. We’ve had a full series of episodes to get used to 12 and we’ve witnessed something of a transformation in Clara. The nature of her finale departure and her change of heart in the Christmas special leave me especially curious as to how she and 12 will relate in the wake of those events. 

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Return to Camp Firewood

Definitely still wet, but is it still hot?

Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp brought back to life a world we loved 14 years ago and allowed us to revisit some beloved characters. It’s the prequel we wanted, but was it one we needed? A lot of it worked, some of it didn’t. There was some gold, some crap, and some fat that could have been cut. In this brave new world of second chances for pop culture properties that were long thought to be dead, it makes me wonder: should we always bring back the things we loved?

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Game of Spoilers 010: Mother’s Mercy (or Hope is for Suckers)

You didn’t think good things were going to happen, did you?

As the story lines (in general) clicked back into the groove of the novels, the season finale got better and better, and harder and harder to watch. This episode seemed designed to build hope only to crush it. Perhaps I am a literary masochist, but I am pleased.

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In the Meantime: Downton Abbey

Downton is gone! What do I do???

We here at Geekade strive to provide our readers with the best in geek services. In our new series, In the Meantime, we recommend media and pop culture to enjoy when the TV/movie/book/game series you love ends or goes on hiatus. This week, when we’d normally be tuning into PBS for the latest episode of Downton Abbey, we see what else there is to read and watch in the long wait between seasons. (Seriously, BBC and PBS? Series 6 premieres in JANUARY?!?!)

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