SAG Episode 109: Metroid Retrospective Part 1
The SAG crew celebrates the Metroid franchise’s 30th anniversary with part 1 of their 3-part retrospective on the series. This week they cover the first 4 numbered entries. Plus, the mini NES, a Detective Pikachu movie is in the works, Dead Rising finally hits PC, and more!
Show Notes
Useful Links
- Metroid
- Metroid II: Return of Samus
- Super Metroid
- Metroid Fusion
- The Mini-NES
- Capcom confirms “Dead Rising” will get a PC port ten years after its release
- Detective Pikachu movie!
- Kool Aid commercial featuring Metroid II
- SAG’s theme song “Chubby Chubby Chip Chip” by Mark ‘TDK’ Knight