Geekade’s Pain-in-the-Ass-a-Thon 2019 is coming!

IT IS A BEAUTIFUL TIME OF YEAR! It could be snowing, it could be raining, it could even be on fire, it doesn’t matter. Things are great. Why, you ask? Because it’s time to start gearing up for for the next Pain-in-the-Ass-a-Thon! The team at Geekade has been hard at work preparing for our annual 24 hour event, and this year is going to be the best one yet!

We’re still working out the finer points of the schedule, but we can tell you that the 2019 PITAthon will take place August 10-11! There’s plenty more information to come in following weeks, but the meantime, we’d like to proudly introduce you to our friend, Nurse Pretendo. Some of you may recognize her from last year’s PITAthon imagery, and this year she will be here to guide you all through our special announcements, updates, and more! Here’s a little background on our pink haired practitioner.

Nurse Pretendo, a member of the Geekade team, is a special nurse who aids heroes of all games in their combat. For every game she visits, Nurse Pretendo has to blend in. From Mario to Zelda, Banjo-Kazooie to Bubsy, our beloved nurse works behind the scenes so when you get those game overs, they aren’t over forever. She moves from game to game, helping players in need, maintaining an air of secrecy until now! We recruited her to be a part of our team when we realized just how painful the Pain-in-the-Ass-a-thon was going to be, and she remains a true friend!

Want to see her in action?  Which game will Nurse Pretendo visit next?

Check back here every Friday for information on what games we’ll be playing, why they’re a pain in the ass, and who will be suffering through them for a good cause. And, of course, brand new adventures of Nurse Pretendo. And while you’re here, she has a message for you.

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