You’ve seen all of the games and players at the PITAthon, but that’s not all there is. NOT BY A LONGSHOT! This year we’re going to be presenting you all with a set of bonus rounds to keep the party going through most of Sunday, too! So as soon as the PITAthon ends (probably with Dean crying into a pillow) at 10am, the bonus rounds begin with some of the coolest live streamers we know. Here’s what’s on tap!

10am – Poorly Played Games and Level Up Entertainment

The fine folks at Level Up Entertainment and Poorly Played Games will be taking on user created levels in Super Mario Maker 2, including one made by Kris from the Stone Age Gamer Podcast just for this event. Poorly Played Games is a streaming group that plays all sorts of games on their Twitch channel, and they’re super cool folks to boot. Level Up Entertainment is a store located in the Hamilton Mall in Mays Landing NJ, and they’re friends of Geekade. (and super cool folks!) 

12pm – Samwise Gamegee

Samwise Gamegee used to be a writer for Geekade back when the site launched. Now she streams tabletop RPGs on Twitch. According to her, she’s not typically great at these kind of games, so it will definitely be a challenge for her. She’s also a staunch advocate for disability awareness and equality, so supporting our cause was hardly a stretch for her. 

4pm – Interdimensional RSS

We’ll be rounding out our bonus rounds with Brandon from Apathetic Enthusiasm and Interdimensional RSS: The Unofficial Rick and Morty Podcast. He’s going to be taking on Slay the Spire, a roguelike deck building RPG of sorts. Brandon has partnered with Geekade for years, including several previous livestreams for the PITAthon. He’s super entertaining, and he hates colon cancer. 

And there you have it, folks. That’s the full lineup for our bonus rounds. Make sure you head to www.twitch.tv/geekade and PITAthon.com for all the info you need, and donate to this fantastic cause. The art auction is live too, so you can get yourself some awesome original art to go with your donations if you so choose. See you all this weekend! 

Kris Randazzo

Kris is the Content Supervisor of Geekade. As an avid consumer of all things video game, Kris spent his formative years collecting cartridges, CDs, discs, and assorted paraphernalia in an effort to amass a video game collection large enough to kill an elephant. He works with Stone Age Gamer, writing for their blog and hosting the Stone Age Gamer Podcast right here at Geekade. He's also the host of the WaveBack Podcast, co-host of This Week's Episode, and can occasionally be found in the pages of Nintendo Force Magazine.

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