Why I Love Wrestling: Match of the Year contender 004

Another name in the hat for Match of the Year

New Japan puts on their biggest show of the year, Wrestle Kingdom, in January. This year, Wrestle Kingdom 9, was a huge step forward for NJPW. In addition to have some truly incredible matches on the card, it was simulcast in America with English commentary.  Jim Ross and Matt Striker called the card live in Japan. And the excitement Jim Ross displays during his commentary is infectious. 

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Why I Love Wrestling: Night of Champions predictions

Every title is on the line live from sunny and hot and humid Houston. It’s WWE Night of Champions!

Live from the Toyota Center in beautiful (Just kidding. Though some sections are really nice) muggy as hell Houston, TX, WWE presents Night of Champions. The hook here is that every title must be defended and since Seth Rollins is both the current Heavyweight champ AND the United States champ, he has to wrestle twice. The good thing is that two Seth Rollins matches almost certainly means that there will be two matches of a very high caliber. The bad thing is that two Seth Rollins matches means some shenanigans are in order. But more on that later. On to the predictions.

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Why I Love Wrestling: Jake “The Snake” Roberts

The creator of the DDT and one of the greatest workers of all time gets some love

Jake Roberts, son of professional wrestler Grizzly Smith, has never worn gold in the WWE. Not one time. Which, on the surface, seems a crime. Here is a guy who is objectively one of the greatest in ring performers of his generation. Wrestlers working today credit Roberts as a major influence on their careers. His promos are legendary. His in ring psychology is second to none. His finisher, the DDT, was his creation and has been absorbed into the repertoire of numerous performers. His feuds with Macho Man, Steamboat, and Andre are some of the best ever. He is without question, a living legend. So why no title?

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Why I Love Wrestling: Match of the Year contender 3 – Sasha vs Bayley

NXT Takeover set a high bar during Summer Slam weekend. This match however, put that bar out of reach.

Two weeks ago, maybe more depending on when you are reading this, the WWE was in Brooklyn for three nights of shows. They ran back to back to back nights in the Barclays Center, a rather unusual move in the realm of sports and entertainment. I know that I was glued to my TV for all three events, NXT Takeover/Summer Slam/RAW, and even though the time commitment was large, it was overall a very satisfying weekend of pro wrestling. My favorite event, not surprising if you are a follower of these posts, was NXT Takeover.

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Why I Love Wrestling: Kana

“Most Dangerous” Kana has officially signed with WWE! I for one welcome our new female overlord…

“Most Dangerous” may be selling her a bit short. Kana, real name Kanako Urai, has officially signed with WWE and should be making her debut on NXT. For those of you who have never heard of Kana I assure you that her signing is a big, BIG deal. It is at the very least equivalent to the influx of Indy superstars that have populated WWE airwaves and is probably more akin to their signing of Hideo Itami.

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Why I Love Wrestling: SummerSlam and Takeover Predictions Part 2

The one where I make my predictions for SummerSlam

The four hour spectacular of the summer is finally upon us. Truth be told, I love SummerSlam. It’s always one of the best shows of the year and usually delivers some sort of payoff. If WrestleMania is the show for the mainstream, SummerSlam is the show for the fans. And this year? It’s a big biggie. WWE is running three nights in the same building, Barclay’s in Brooklyn NYC, and will have to pull out the big guns as it were to keep the famed NYC crowd engaged. Looking at the card, I think they’ve got a good chance of making this weekend one of the finest wrestling weekends in recent history.


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Why I Love Wrestling: SummerSlam & Takeover Predictions Part 1

The one where I make my predictions for NXT Takeover: Brooklyn

So, this is going to be a long one. This weekend we’ve got both the NXT Takeover special on Saturday night AND SummerSlam on Sunday. (4 Hours long!) All told, that’s about six hours or so of predictions to make. And I know what you’re thinking, “Dan, it’s okay, you don’t have to do ALL of them, we understand, you have a life, a wife, kids, a dog, white picket fence, we get it.” Well, to that I say, “How the hell do you know those things about me?! Are you stalking me? Trailing me? Hiding in my bushes? Don’t do that shit, it’s not cool.” But I digress…

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