Why I Love Wrestling: Jushin Thunder Liger

Jushin Thunder Liger is a superhero come to life

Japanese professional wrestling, Puroresu, has a long standing tradition of flashy characters. Based on historical significance, culture, tradition, and even pop culture such as anime or live action television, Japanese fans have been treated to some pretty spectacular characters over the years. None have been more spectacular though, especially not for as long, as Jushin Thunder Liger.

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Kung Fu Fridays: The 36th Chamber of Shaolin

One of the greatest Kung Fu films of all time. Why is it so loved? Read on and find out.

In 1978, martial arts films were dropping at an absolutely intense rate. They were cheap to make, cheap to shoot, and highly profitable. Martial Arts mania was in full swing in Asia and America and studios, as they are wont to do, were eager to capitalize. As we have seen, if you have read any of the previous pieces linked conveniently below, there were more than a few gems to hit the silver screen during this period. However, the glut of releases meant that not every one would be a classic.

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Why I Love Wrestling: Rowdy Roddy Piper

This was not the post I wanted to write any time soon.

This was not the post I had in mind for this week. This was not the post I wanted to write any time soon. This was especially not the post I wanted to write a month after the passing of Dusty Rhodes. But unfortunately, this is the post I have to write. Today, 7/30/2015, Rowdy Roddy Piper passed away from cardiac arrest. He was sixty one. And that, quite frankly, is too fucking soon.

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Kung Fu Fridays: Way of the Dragon

It was only a matter of time before Bruce Lee was featured.

For many, Bruce Lee is Martial Arts. He is one of the most identifiable stars film has ever produced. His legacy endures to this day, forty two years after his death in 1973. His list of films is nothing short of legendary. At some point in your life you will see Enter the Dragon; it is one of “those” movies. (I mean that as the highest compliment. “Those” movies consist of things like Shawshank Redemption or Forrest Gump) But, Enter the Dragon is not the film up for discussion here.

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Why I Love Wrestling: Match of the year? Option 001

Better than almost every Wrestlemania main event in history

It’s about that time of year. The time of year where we start to whittle down the field of contenders for match of the year. Now, there is every possibility that the match of 2015 hasn’t even happened yet but, BUT, there is a lot of wrestling on a weekly basis. Between the promotions in the Americas, Europe, and Japan, there are hundreds of matches a week. Obviously only a fraction of these are seen by the general public via television, Youtube, or articles such as this one. Those of us writing about wrestling do try our best however.

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Kung Fu Fridays: The Street Fighter

That right there boys and girls, is Sonny Chiba.

One of the baddest men to walk the planet. A military brat who almost made the Japanese Olympic team, Chiba achieved worldwide success through the film The Street Fighter. No, the film has nothing to do with the game, or the film based on the game, or the game based on the film based on the game. (though the film is available in its entirety in the game The Darkness on any TV found in that game world) What The Street Fighter is is a really well done martial arts flick, a staple in many top ten lists, and an incredibly violent movie whose cult following was helped no doubt by Quentin Tarantino’s decision to not only cast Chiba as Hatori Hanzo in Kill Bill but this as well…

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Why I Love Wrestling: Battleground Predictions

This event, if rumors are true, is shaping up to be very important for WWE

After a proper buildup, five whole weeks this time, the WWE Universe is poised to receive an audio and visual smackdown via the Network this Sunday as Vince McMahon and Co. present Battleground live in St. Louis. This event, if rumors are true, is shaping up to be very important for WWE as we are slated to see two huge returns (more on that later). How does the rest of the card look and who is going to win? Read on and find out.

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Kung Fu Fridays: The Mystery of Chess Boxing

The Ghost Face Killer is a man out for revenge.

Released in 1979, and also know as Ninja Checkmate, The Mystery of Chess Boxing is one of the most storied Kung Fu films to ever make its way stateside. It was released on 42nd St in NYC. During the late 70’s 42nd St was a mecca for Grindhouse films. The story goes that The Mystery of Chess Boxing was so popular that it played in various theaters for over two years! For a Kung Fu film, not with a high budget and not starring Bruce Lee, to have a run that long is saying something. Perhaps it was the fights, deliberate and beautiful, perhaps it was the abysmal voice over, it really is terrible for the most part, or perhaps it was the blend of traditional and comedy stylings that was all the rage during this time period. Or maybe the reason it stayed around so long, and the one I hold to, is because of the Ghost Face Killer.

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Bits and Brews 005: He’Brew Funky Jewbelation & Abobo’s Big Adventure

L’Chaim Sucka!

L’Chaim or to life, is the way Shmaltz runs their business. Originally a contract brewer, someone who comes up with a recipe but then hires someone or someplace else to brew said recipe, founder Jeremy Cowan opened a fully functional brewing facility in Clifton Park, NY in 2013. Shmaltz is known for their tongue-in-cheek approach to marketing and it shows in perhaps no greater detail in this beer. I mean, look at that label. It is glorious in every respect.

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Why I Love Wrestling: Brian Cage

He’s the guy carrying two other guys… He’s really strong.

Mr. GMSI (get my shit in), the F’n Machine, (and my personal favorite) the Swoleverine, Brian Cage is an absolute monster. Cage, born Brian Button in 1984, has star written all over him. He’s as strong as anyone working today, and damn near as agile. He is able to do things in the ring that a man of his size simply should not be able to do. Every time I see him wrestle, I am amazed at what he is able to do. Take a look at his moveset and tell me you’re not impressed.

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