Banned Books: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

It’s banned books week!

anned Books Week, celebrating its 33rd anniversary September 27th – October 3rd this year, is an annual worldwide project celebrating the freedom to read. Booksellers, publishing houses, journalists, teachers, librarians, and avid readers alike are encouraged to support the freedom to seek out and express ideas, even if those ideas are considered to be unorthodox. As this year’s focus of Banned Books week centers on young adult books, Stephen Chbosky’s 1999 epistolary novel, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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James Bond: 00Snake Eater

Snaaaaaaaake eater!

In 2004, the James Bond franchise was in a transitional period. Two years earlier, the disastrous Die Another Day had taken Pierce Brosnan from the cool intrigue and character development in Goldeneye to a CGI-overloaded sci-fi action movie that rivaled Moonraker in terms of sheer campiness. It would be another two years before Daniel Craig would make his debut, but until then the stealth action franchise Metal Gear Solid filled the gap with its third installment: Snake Eater.

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Conspicuously Inconspicuous X-Men

Marvel maliciously mistreating mutants?

Marvel currently appears to be giving other titles increasing attention while promotion for the X-Men seems to be decreasing. The publisher is currently in the process of a story that will reboot its entire line of comic books, and certain clues, rumors, and facts seem to suggest that the X-Men’s presence in the Marvel Universe is on the decline.

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What’s in a Name?

A pretty silly name, or is it?

Ever since the title of the prequel-spinoff of The Walking Dead was announced, the reaction to it has been pretty universal. It’s too long and unwieldy. Who the hell is gonna say all that? It’s dumb, why did they call it that? And trust me, I was right there with all the title naysayers until tonight. After watching the third episode, “Dog,” I turned to my husband and said “This show is scarier than the other one.” It began to dawn on me why the clunky title is so apt and why the show couldn’t be called anything else.

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